
National Clean Your Computer Day - Giveaway
February 07, 2018
In honor of this year’s National Clean Your Computer Day, Reeven is holding a Giveaway for our US fans. Enter before February 13th and win one of 3 Ouranos CPU coolers!!
Here is how you can win:
Like our REEVEN Facebook page
Post a before and after picture of your cleaned PC
After the end of the Giveaway REEVEN will randomly select 3 winners. Terms and Conditions, as seen below, apply.
Thanksgiving Giveaway!
November 16, 2017
Thanksgiving is just around the corner and to show our appreciation for our followers, Reeven has decided to hold a ‘Thanks-Giveaway’ for our US fans. Enter before November 23rd and win one of 7 Kiran RGB fans!!
Here is how you can win:
Join the REEVEN fan page and like the Giveaway post
Comment with #ReevenGiveaway
Share the Giveaway post publicly
After the end of the Giveaway REEVEN will randomly select 7 winners. Terms and Conditions, as seen below, apply.
October 30, 2017
活動日期:2017/10/31(二) 12:00~2017/11/7(二) 12:00
活動辦法: 在活動時間內參加者只要
1. 在FB活動文章按讚
2. Tag兩位朋友
3. 留言”不能只有我看到!REEVEN散熱就是勁!” 即可獲得抽獎資格
活動獎項:Ouranos (RC-1401) x 4個

AM4 Giveaway!
July 31, 2017
Reeven is holding a Summer AM4 Giveaway for our US fans. Enter before August 3rd and win one of 5 Justice CPU coolers, including a suitable AM4 kit!!
Here is how you can win:
Like our Facebook page
Post a picture of your personal build featuring AM4 components
After the end of the Giveaway REEVEN will randomly select 5 winners. Terms and Conditions, as seen here, apply.
March 19, 2017
Passend zum Frühlingsbegin veranstaltet REEVEN wieder einen unserer Giveaways.
Dieses Mal können unsere Deutschen Fans einen von 5 Ouranos RC-1401 Kühlern gewinnen!!
Was ihr tun müsst, um teilzunehmen, seht ihr hier:
1.) Liked unsere Facebook Seite
2.) Schreibt einen Kommentar mit eurer Antwort auf die folgende Frage: “Mit welchen Produkten soll REEVEN in Zukunft herauskommen?”
Teilnahmeschluss ist der 26. März. Die Gewinner werden im Anschluss auf unserer Facebook Seite bekannt gegeben. Alle Teilnahmebedingungen findet ihr hier.
Wir freuen uns riesig auf eure Beteiligung und wünschen viel Spaß!
December 08, 2016
Reeven is holding a Christmas Giveaway for our US fans.
Enter before December 26th and win one of 20 Hans CPU coolers!!
Here is how you can win:
Click Here To Go To The Event
1.) Like our REEVEN Facebook page
2.) Finish the sentence “Reeven is …..” and post it in the comments of the above link
3.) Tag 3 friends in your comment
After the end of the Giveaway REEVEN will randomly select 20 winners.
Terms and Conditions, as seen below, apply.